(970) 641-3081

Six Points
News Article

Six Points 2021 Quarter 3

Oct 1, 2021

Evaluation & Training
1160 N Main St      PO Box 1002    Gunnison CO 81230      (970) 641-3081     www.sixpointsgunnison.org

…the not-so-lazy days of summer. 

2021 Q3 Triathlon

Clients continue to remain active! They have made the most of “sunny Gunni” by participating in local triathlons, rafting with Adaptive Sports Center (ASC), working out at the gym, touring a V22 Osprey helicopter at the airport, and more. Overall, clients and staff at Six Points are healthy!

Pictured above:  Joe riding the 20-mile bike portion of the Little Foot Triathlon in Golden, CO in August. 
Pictured below, top left: Jeff and Ricky join ASC staff for rafting; Top right:  Barron at the Gunni Hi Tri finish line, Bottom left: Nikki and Paul at CO Fitness, Bottom right:   Tony, Brian, Tom, pilot, Jeff, Paul, Jen, Angela, Mark, and Donnie at the Osprey tour.

2021 Q3 Rafting Hi Tri CO Fitness Osprey Tour

Not everyone was able to enjoy the great outdoors this summer.  Here, creative staff help Paul enjoy the next best thing to camping out:  camping in!

Camping In!

New Wheelchair Van

Thanks to many generous donors and a Next Fifty Initiative grant, Six Points was able to purchase a converted 2019 Dodge Caravan to replace our 20-year-old van. This new van has a user-friendly back entry ramp, the wheelchair passenger faces forward, and it can transport 3 additional passengers besides the driver. It is reliable, comfortable, and most importantly, supports our clients that require wheelchairs.  We look forward to many years of service from our new Dodge. 

Whitewater Park

Pictured top:  Staff Brian Smith with KayDee, and above, left to right, KayDee, Brian, Coleen, Tony, and Jennifer at the Whitewater Park.

DIRECTOR’S CORNER – October 2021
with Nancy Lakiotes

Nancy Lakiotes, Executive Director, Six Points Evaluation and Training

Happy Fall! Thanks to our wonderful community of supporters, we have had another excellent summer here at Six Points.  On behalf of all our clients, staff, volunteers, and the Board of Directors, I want to thank several organizations for joining us in the work that we do to further the mission of Six Points.

Thank you to The Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley for your generous support this year with a $7,000 Community Grant Award.  We’re so very grateful to have a strong and active community foundation right here in Gunnison!  Thank you for the work you do every day to strengthen the Gunnison Valley!

We were incredibly thankful to receive an amazing grant from The NextFifty Initiative this summer in the amount of $23,376!!! This grant provided exactly half of the necessary funds to purchase a 2019 Dodge Caravan that has been converted to transport two people in wheelchairs safely and comfortably.  The NextFifty Initiative work around changing the narrative about aging is necessary and relevant to our work here at Six Points, as we serve many older adults.  Thank you to The NextFifty Initiative!

In September we were thrilled to receive funding for general operations from The A.V. Hunter Trust in the amount of $10,000! This generous support enables Six Points to continue to provide high quality assistance to the people we serve.  Many thanks to the A.V. Hunter Trust!

In addition, we send our heartfelt thanks to every one of you! Thank you for your support in any and all forms: donations (both monetary donations and donated items), volunteer hours, shopping in our store, hiring people who have disabilities in your business, spreading community awareness about our life-changing services, referring friends and family to us, and most importantly thank you for helping make sure that people who have disabilities are fully integrated into community life.  YOU MAKE OUR ORGANIZATION POSSIBLE!  Thank you again for all of your support!

Thanks to Our Generous Grantors:

2020 Six Points Grantors

Opportunities to Donate:

Enroll in City Market’s Community Rewards Program

  1. Go to www.citymarket.com  to sign in or register an account
  2. Click on “Account” located on the red band in the middle of the page
  3. Scroll to the Bottom of the page to the Community Rewards Section and click “enroll now” or “re-enroll now”
  4. You can either type in “six” or our # 10405 to choose Six Points as your organization. It’s that simple and it costs you, the value card holder, nothing!
*All card holders need to re-enroll every January to support Six Points

Copyright © 2021, Six Points. All rights reserved.

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