(970) 641-3081

Six Points
News Article

Six Points 2022 Quarter 3

Oct 10, 2022

Evaluation & Training
1160 N Main St      PO Box 1002    Gunnison CO 81230      (970) 641-3081     www.sixpointsgunnison.org

It’s a relief…

…to have had a more “normal” summer at SIX POINTS as the threat of the pandemic lessens. What a wonderful season it’s been: being active outside, gathering with friends, and making improvements to properties. It’s bittersweet to be enjoying the lingering “Indian summer” days while we prepare for the change of seasons.

Q3-1 2022 Summer Activities

Top: a group outing to Taylor Reservoir: Middle: Joe Day finishing a triathlon: Bottom: our fall city rec softball team.

…re-introducing DIANA HUGHES

After a hiatus in Arizona for the last few years, Diana moved back to Gunnison in May, having been a former client when she last lived here. She works at the store as a cashier, makes and sells her own jewelry, and is swimming regularly at the rec center.  We are so glad to have her back and look forward to getting reacquainted.  Welcome back, Diana!
Welcome back Diana.


Fabulous Volunteers

An enthusiastic group of 20 volunteers from the Community Church in Gunnison tackled the job of spreading road base on a hot August morning to help improve our staff parking area.  We are grateful for friends near and far that pitch in to make Six Points a safer place for all!  Thank you, Community Church!


You're Invited to our Art Show called Snap, Crackle, and Pop.

…the many faces of Daniel (continued):

Daniel by a lake in the fall.

DIRECTOR’S CORNER with Daniel Bruce – October 2022

Fall is in the air!  And we know what comes next.  Winter activities will be here soon.  Our clients are excited to view the fall colors and to begin skiing again.  Our staff plans and implements a lot of programs for our clients throughout the fall and winter.  We also partner with the Adaptive Sports Center to provide the training for the Winter Special Olympics.  It will be a fun season!

Although the summer was short, our AWESOME staff were able to provide many activities for our clients.  I encourage all of you if you are looking for a very rewarding experience to come and volunteer your time with our clients.  Do you have a special skill or hobby?  Then please share that with our clients.  Do you like to go on activities?  We have volunteers attend our activities all the time.  Just last month, we had volunteers help with our softball team.  Our clients and staff are very appreciative for all our great volunteers, whether they work with clients or help with processing in the Thrift Store.  THANK YOU to all the volunteers that help us throughout the year.

In addition, we send our heartfelt thanks to every one of you!  Thank you for your support in any and all forms: donations (both monetary and donated items), volunteer hours, shopping in our store, hiring people who have disabilities in your business, spreading community awareness about our life-changing services, referring friends and family to us, and most importantly thank you for helping make sure that people who have disabilities are fully integrated into community life.  YOU MAKE OUR ORGANIZATION POSSIBLE!  Thank you again for all your support!


October:  Oct 7th Art Show. Oct 13th Annual Client Awards Celebration.

November:  Winter Activities with Adaptive Sports.

December:  Winter Activities with Adaptive Sports continue.

Thanks to Our Generous Grantors:

Our Generous Grantors

Opportunities to Donate:

Enroll in City Market’s Community Rewards Program

  1. Go to www.citymarket.com  to sign in or register an account
  2. Click on “Account” located on the red band in the middle of the page
  3. Scroll to the Bottom of the page to the Community Rewards Section and click “enroll now” or “re-enroll now”
  4. You can either type in “six” or our # 10405 to choose Six Points as your organization. It’s that simple and it costs you, the value card holder, nothing!
*All card holders need to re-enroll every January to support Six Points

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